
Whitepaper – Identifying Electric Vehicles to Best Serve University Fleet Needs and Support Sustainability Goals
Whitepapers Sarah Booth Whitepapers Sarah Booth

Whitepaper – Identifying Electric Vehicles to Best Serve University Fleet Needs and Support Sustainability Goals

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) provides technical and analytical support to the U.S. Department of Energy’s alternative fuel programs, including the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program. Through the program, the U.S. Department of Energy implements regulations pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), as amended, which requires state and alternative fuel provider fleets to acquire alternative fuel vehicles and requires alternative fuel providers to use alternative fuels in those vehicles where the fuel is available.

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Whitepaper ­– Impacts of Increasing Electrification on State Fleet Operations and Charging Demand
Whitepapers Sarah Booth Whitepapers Sarah Booth

Whitepaper ­– Impacts of Increasing Electrification on State Fleet Operations and Charging Demand

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) provides technical and analytical support to the U.S. Department of Energy’s alternative fuel programs, including the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program. Through the program, the U.S. Department of Energy implements regulations pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), as amended, which requires alternative fuel providers to use alternative fuels in those vehicles where the fuel is available.

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Measuring (and Minimizing) EV Total Cost of Ownership
Blog Sarah Booth Blog Sarah Booth

Measuring (and Minimizing) EV Total Cost of Ownership

Driven primarily by sustainability goals, government agencies around the country are looking to increase the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) into their fleets. These fleet managers are faced with trying to calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO) with many new factors, which can be daunting.

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22 Takeaways from the Fleet Forward Conference
Blog Sarah Booth Blog Sarah Booth

22 Takeaways from the Fleet Forward Conference

The Fleet Forward Conference convened once again in person Nov. 10-12 at the Hayes Mansion in San Jose. This year’s agenda had a heavy focus on electrification, particularly with commercial EVs and building infrastructure to support them.

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Fleet Emissions Reporting
Featured Resources Sarah Booth Featured Resources Sarah Booth

Fleet Emissions Reporting

Sawatch Labs is a leading transportation electrification analytics firm helping fleets identify opportunities to increase their ROI and meet their sustainability goals. Our advanced analytics unlock the potential in your operational data, providing real-time insight at your fingertips.

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Key Elements of a Successful Telematics Implementation
Blog Sarah Booth Blog Sarah Booth

Key Elements of a Successful Telematics Implementation

When choosing the best telematics system one should consider both the customer experience as well as the robustness of the hardware. There are many great service providers available today and a fleet's best option may vary based on their specific needs.

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Consider Fleet Carbon Lock-in
Blog Sarah Booth Blog Sarah Booth

Consider Fleet Carbon Lock-in

Avoid fleet carbon lock-in, it costs your fleet and the planet. Scenario analysis can help you weigh economics, operational needs, and sustainability based on today and with an eye for tomorrow.

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Municipal Fleet Electrification Brings City of Cincinnati Closer to 2035 Carbon Neutrality Goal
Case Studies Sarah Booth Case Studies Sarah Booth

Municipal Fleet Electrification Brings City of Cincinnati Closer to 2035 Carbon Neutrality Goal

Over the last decade, City staff have been hard at work through the Green Cincinnati Program, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 84 percent below 2006 levels by 2050. Achieving this target will be no small feat, and the City is identifying several key actions across the built environment, energy, food and water, and transportation sectors.

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Whitepaper – Telematics and Data Science: Informing Energy-Efficient Mobility
Whitepapers Sarah Booth Whitepapers Sarah Booth

Whitepaper – Telematics and Data Science: Informing Energy-Efficient Mobility

The State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) worked with Sawatch Labs (Sawatch) to analyze fleet vehicle suitability for transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and pilot the use of telematics data to perform the analysis. This effort supported improved understanding of how fleets mandated under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) could use such information to support the acquisition of alternative fuel vehicles, or otherwise implement strategies to increase alternative fuel use.

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